星期日, 9月 24, 2006





星期三, 6月 14, 2006

FORMOSAT-3 Taiwan Analysis Center for CDAAC (TACC) Web Site


中央氣象局與國家太空中心協議,由中央氣象局配合福爾摩沙衛星三號計畫的進度,參與規劃及建置其中的臺灣科學資料分析中心(Taiwan Analysis Center for COSMIC;TACC)的工作。依據系統作業需求研討結論,未來的臺灣科學資料分析中心其作業功能需類同於美方的資料分析中心(COSMIC Data Analysis and Archive Center;CDAAC),且臺灣科學資料分析中心預定將設置於中央氣象局進行即時的資料分析作業,以產製相關的大氣垂直分布反演資料,供後端氣象系統進行作業應用。

Formosat-3/COSMIC US website

在上述網佔,可以看到 FORMOSAT-3 的軌道位置及近況。如下;

June 9, 2006
Orbit raising is progressing with successful test burns. COSMIC satellites all received a new load of software for the GPS RO payload over the past couple of weeks which allows us to start open loop tracking. TIP payload is operating 24 hours a day. TBB has started testing on all frequencies over various earth receiver chains. All spacecraft appear to be healthy.

Posted by Dave Ector and the CDAAC Team

May 30, 2006
All 6 spacecraft are healthy and functioning normally. Spacecraft attitude has generally been good with spacecraft power margins better than expected. Payloads are being operated with the GPS payload on half time and TIP on full time. A new version of GPS payload software is in the process of being loaded to all 6 satellites. TBB is still going through its checkout process, operating occasionally. The constellation orbit maneuvering has been delayed due to a fairly long learning curve in calibrating burn profiles, but significant progress has been made over the past few days to prepare one of the satellites for its first maneuver.

Posted by Dave Ector

May 24, 2006
Attitude continues to look good for all satellites. For most of the week the GOX was commanded to be on for 24 hours. This caused some data buffer overrun issues for the GOX data transmitted to the ground stations and most of the data was not translated due to parsing errors. To correct this problem the GOX will be commanded to be on for 6 hours and other methods of reducing the data volume are being investigated. The limitation in the amount of observation data is due to the tight spacing of the SC in the initial phase, once the SC are in an operation orbit they will download data on a more frequent schedule.

We have received good POD and OCC data with attitude stabilized, and we have been able to perform good orbit determination. We have been getting good profiles down to about 6 KM. The truncation of the profiles is due to known issues with the FM firmware for OL tracking. Version 4.2 should be delivered in the next few days. The newer GPS firmware will fix bugs related to OL mode and we anticipate getting good open loop data once this firmware has been uploaded to the spacecraft.

We have been using predicted orbits for ionospheric processing. Currently we are in the process of calibrating DCBs for the spacecraft receivers. It is anticipated that COSMIC data will be used in a space weather campaign coming up at the end of June.

We continue to look at TBB - GOX interference test data.

CDAAC Computer systems are performing well and there have been no hardware related failures. Processing loads are becoming high on some of the web service servers and we may add an additional server for handling data requests.

There was a hard drive failure in one of the BitGrabber systems in New Zeland and a replacement drive has been shipped.

Posted by the CDAAC Team

May 19, 2006
Attitude is now looking good for all s/c. This is expected to help POD. We are seeing reasonable SNRs on all antennas. FM4 started looking reasonable again on day 139.

FB 4.1 test upload was done to FM3. Once we confirm this worked we will give the green light for uploading FB 4.2.

JPL is working on FB 4.2 - several bugs that affect the OL model are fixed. There may be some more bugs. However we decided to upload FB 4.2 as soon as possible to start tracking near the surface while the satellites are still in low orbits.

The space weather community is already planning a COSMIC test period.

At this point we have processed over 1000 COSMIC occultations (to atmPhs level) and they are coming in faster and faster.

Posted by Chris Rocken

May 16, 2006 CDAAC is planning on opening up access to users as soon as remaining satellite issues have been cleared up. We anticipate this will occur in the next 2-3 weeks.
Posted by Doug Hunt

May 15, 2006 All 6 spacecraft are healthy and flying as a cluster approximately 900 km from end to end at 515 km altitude. At this low altitude, the spacecraft's attitude is not as stable as it will be at the final orbit of 800 km, so payloads are only being operated part time to save power. A flight software load is being completed over the next 2 days which is expected to significantly improve attitude stability, and should allow for longer duration payload operations. Orbit raising is planned to start during this next week, with the first spacecraft being boosted to the final orbit altitude of 800 km.
Posted by Dave Ector

April 15, 2006 The COSMIC constellation of six satellites was launched successfully from Vandenberg Air Force Base in California at 6:40 p.m. PDT (9:40 p.m. EDT) on Friday, April 14, 2006. Ground stations have received signals from all six satellites.

星期四, 4月 27, 2006

聖荷西之旅 2

1/16/2006(一) 聖荷西之旅 2

此次美國西岸Santa Maria之行,最最高興的是能夠拜訪到我研究所的指導老師--李老師。因為已經有幾年沒有看到他,我很關心他的健康近況,特別是在上週第一次拜訪時沒得見到他。






‧與YC Lee李老師連絡,報告他李老師近況。

星期三, 4月 26, 2006



在台灣與美國兩地跨海同步倒數計時聲中,台美合作的福爾摩沙衛星三號星系,於台北時間4月15日上午9時40分自美國加州范登堡基地,由美樂達火箭發射成功,順利進入軌道。發射前雖然發生第一節火箭壓力感測器電流值超出規格,但在發射場人員故障排除後74分鐘再度進入倒數狀態。經由追蹤與數據中繼衛星系統(TDRSS)傳回地面的遙傳資料顯示,福衛三號在發射後14分鐘第一顆衛星與火箭分離,第19分鐘後第6顆衛星分離,此時 6 顆衛星位在500公里高的暫駐軌道上。福衛三號6顆衛星並在發射後1小時23分將訊號成功的傳回到阿拉斯加費爾班克(Fairbanks)地面站,預計發射後7小時52分,衛星將會經過台灣上空,與台灣地面站作第一次接觸。




福衛三號發射當日火箭指揮官宣佈因氣候下雨因素,有20%發射機率。直到發射前兩小時,因天候部分轉晴,火箭指揮官宣佈因氣候因素,有60%發射機率。之後,最後一次氣候預報,有80%發射機率。當預定火箭發射前2分半,衛星電瓶SOC只有10.3 AHr,只比Go Range多0.3 AHr,火箭第一節的壓力感應器電流限制器,因為設定過緊造成abort,火箭執行緊急狀況程序。狀況排除後,衛星測試指揮官要求額外28分鐘之對衛星之充電工作,衛星電瓶SOC = 10.6其中一顆衝過500psi。火箭指揮官宣佈原本UTC 00:10發射延至UTC 01:40。

火箭點火發射時,NASA的 Video link影片中顯示攝影機晃動,畫面朝地面之後,畫面突然消失。MDC內部與NSPO MMC表情大家表情一度緊張,期待的火箭往上衝鏡頭沒有出現。NASA的 Video link,有顯示火箭離地順利升空畫面。隨後,火箭指揮官開始報告每節火箭點火分離動作。正式歡呼聲音是在第四節火箭與第一顆衛星分離才發出。之後,每一顆衛星每隔一分鐘順利分離,大家都很高興。主要是前幾天新聞報導的可能追撞問題,沒有發生。

發射後80分的第一次接觸,也是驚險緊張。因為發射場的state vector送錯,造成接觸時沒有任何RF訊號,一直到衛星Lost of Acquisition (LOS)。此時,發射場也回報state vector送錯,澄清未何沒有收到衛星訊號的理由。還好USN及時回報13m的Backup天線有開始收到RF訊號,使得"第一次接觸"順利地收到6顆衛星訊號。


